ID: com.islamicappsworld.surahyaseenwithtafseer
Version: 1.0
Size: 15 Mb
Surah Yaseen with Tafseer Screenshots
How to install Surah Yaseen with Tafseer apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Surah Yaseen with Tafseer Description
It’s easy for you to listen Tilawat of Surah Yaseen with Tafseer in the best understandable voice on your smartphone. A wonderful Application for Muslims which includes Audio recitation Verse by verse of the whole Surah Yaseen in List mode.Quran is the greatest marvel and blessing of Allah Almighty, which He has bestowed upon mankind. It carries numerous intellectual, political, social, moral and guidelines related to every aspect of life for a non-believer, however, for a believer it contains greater promises. Moreover, besides the general text of Quran, there are special and more reverend chapters compared to others. One of such parts of Quran is the Surah Yasin.
Surah Yaseen is one of the most reverend Surah of Quran and Muslims all over the world memorize it, recite it, and listen to its recitation with great respect and sanctity. Our App helps you to stay in touch with the Holy Quran’s greatest Surah on daily basis. You can There are many beneficial reason behind the greater prestige of Surah Yaseen as it is mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in His various hadiths entailing numerous benefits of its recitation.
Install this Islamic App and listen very beautiful heart touching recitation of Surah Yaseen on your android device. Play Audio MP3 Surah Yaseen with highlighted text for better understanding without internet.
♦ Best App to Play Complete Surah Yaseen Recitation Audio.
♦ Complete Qurani Tafseer (Translation) with highlighted text option
♦ Verse by verse translation
♦ Audio recitation Verse by verse of the whole Surah Yaseen in List mode.
♦ Comprehensive Main Menu, easy to use.
Download this app and listen to surah Yaseen from the Quran in no time.
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