How to download My App Finder - App Drawer patch 1.4.2 apk for android - APK CLin

How to download My App Finder - App Drawer patch 1.4.2 apk for android

My App Finder - App Drawer.apk 1.4.2
Name: My App Finder - App Drawer.apk
ID: net.muik.myappfinder
Version: 1.4.2
Size: 2.7 Mb

My App Finder - App Drawer Screenshots

How to install My App Finder - App Drawer patch 1.4.2 apk for bluestacks
How to get My App Finder - App Drawer patch 1.4.2 apk for android
How to download My App Finder - App Drawer 1.4.2 unlimited apk for bluestacks

How to setup My App Finder - App Drawer apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

My App Finder - App Drawer Details

The fastest way to search and launch my apps.
# Features
- Show apps in order of recent launch on the first view
- Instant search with key press
- Indicate the frequent apps on the top of search
- Add tags of apps for search keywords
- Delete apps on the list
- Launch apps directly by the voice
This is a Super fast App launcher, App finder, App drawer, App explorer, App manager
Facebook page:
# If you are a beta tester, you can use recent features early.
Be a beta tester:

Icon design by namss

What's new in My App Finder - App Drawer 1.4.2

• Enable the hide app feature for all apps
My App Finder - App Drawer | 88 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.4

Download My App Finder - App Drawer 1.4.2 unlimited APK

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How to get My App Finder - App Drawer 1.4.2 unlimited apk for android
How to use My App Finder - App Drawer mod apk
How to mod My App Finder - App Drawer 1.4.2 apk
How to get My App Finder - App Drawer unlimited apk