How to install ImgSearcher 2.7 apk for android - APK CLin

How to install ImgSearcher 2.7 apk for android

ImgSearcher.apk 2.7
Name: ImgSearcher.apk
ID: mobile.tb.test
Version: 2.7
Size: 0.1 Mb

ImgSearcher Screenshots

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How to setup ImgSearcher apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

ImgSearcher Details

It allows users to find Korean idol group images/videos easily.
Also, users may readily search for any images on the web.
To save a picture or set it as wallpaper:
Go to "View Full Size" > Long press on a picture
Saved file path: sdcard/data/Star

What's new in ImgSearcher 2.7

minor UI change
FAV: Invalid URL handling
HW acc.
Install location to SD card added
webview: scale
ImgSearcher | 282 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.7

Download ImgSearcher 2.7 APK

Search terms:
How to install ImgSearcher 2.7 apk for laptop
How to use ImgSearcher mod apk
How to mod ImgSearcher 2.7 apk
How to get ImgSearcher lastet apk